Author: Yachin Ivry
Our work in a nutshell
New paper on Ferroelectric phase transitions is out
New paper on thinnest SQUID made of thin film is out
Congrats Mohammad for winning best poster award in the Quantum Science Meeting, Israel (2nd place!)
Kudos to Mohammad Suleiman for winning the best poster award (2nd place) on our work on Flexible Quantum Electronics in the Quantum Science Meeting, Israel.
Congrats Maya and Asaf for winning the IEEE travel award
Kudos to Maya Barzilay and Asaf Hershkovitz for winning the Student Travel Award by the IEEE UFFC, for traveling to Lausanne, Switzerland and delivering oral presentations on their last publications.
An article about our work in the main Israeli news website (YNET)
Our new paper about a 3-terminal quantum device, with ‘zero inductance’ is out!
Congratulations Maya Barzilay for winning the best student poster award at IMEC2018!
Take a look at our new interpretation for the formation of bundle domains
Take a look at our new interpretation for the formation of bundle domains as is just out in Appl. Phys. Rev. (open access):